
We care about you. And we want to help.

This site will help you decide what kind of assistance you need and how to get connected to services for mental health, wellness, access, and accommodation. At the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, we strive to provide supportive, judgment-free, and collaborative solutions specific to individuals and groups.

The resources on this website reflect many different approaches, ranging from personal counseling to forming groups to address issues in your school or work environment.  

  • Mental health refers to services that help you address issues that you would like to feel better about psychologically, including being in crisis.
  • Wellness refers to services that help you with habits related to maintaining your well-being.
  • Access and accommodation refer to services that facilitate equal opportunity if you are a person with disabilities.

Services can be confidential or non-confidential. A confidential service means that any information you share is protected by health care laws and cannot be shared without your permission outside of the resource except in specific cases. For example, counseling and medical care are typically considered confidential, whereas participating in a wellness workshop is not but your participation would be protected by education laws. Access and accommodation services are also confidential.